

Premium Services


Featured Profile

Featured Profile
Resume Writing
Career Booster
Profile Highlighter
Linkding Makeover
Mock Interview

Featured Profile

Rank your profile at the top to make you stand out in a crowd of jobseekers

Key Features

Rank higher in recruiter's search

Rank higher in recruiter's search

Rank higher in recruiter's search

Rank higher in recruiter's search

What You Gain

Your profile is upfront when recruiters search candidate like you

You are showcased as an active job seeker who is keenly looking

Increase your chances of getting shortlisted in an interview

How Featured Profile Works

How recruiter views Featured Profile

Your profile doesn’t get attention as it is not on the top of the page

Buy Featured Profile to help get your profile more visibility.

Your profile gets featured on top of candidate results

Importance of having your profile on the top

First 5% applicants are 4 times more likely to get shortlisted

Your job application gets priortized in our Monster jobseeker database

Get the most relevant job alert notifications

Increase your chances of getting shortlisted

How To Get The Best Of This Service

Frequently login into your account Login at least once every week

Update your skills with keywords to match with recruiter needs

Make sure your profile completion is 100% and up to date


Monster only displays your profile at the top of the search listing page basis the resume matches the search criteria used by the recruiter(s).

Talk to our experts

Toll Free No: 1-800-4196666

Toll No: +91-40-66116611


Our executive will get in touch with you soon

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Resume Writing

Get professionally written resume which helps you get your dream job

Profile Highlighter

Differentiate yourself from the crowd and increase visibility to the recruiters

Select Service Package

Entry Level


0 - 4 years

Rs 1999

Mid Level


4 - 8 years

Rs 2999

Senior Level


8 - 15 years

Rs 3999

Executive Level


15+ years

Rs 4999

Toll No: +91-40-66116611

Toll Free No: 1-800-4196666